Toshiba TOSVERT VF-S11 User Manual

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Communications Function
Instruction Manual
* The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved.
1. Make sure that this instruction manual is delivered to the end user of the inverter.
2. Read this manual before first using the communications function, and keep it handy as a
reference for maintenance and inspections.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Instruction Manual

E6581222③TOSVERT VF-S11Communications FunctionInstruction Manual   * The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.© TOSHIBA INVERT

Page 2

E658122284.1. Data transmission formats Note: The term “trip status” used in this manual includes retry waiting status and trip retention status.4

Page 3 - Safety precautions

E65812229 VF-S11 → computerAt time of broadcast communication, returning of data is not executed, except for the inverters to bereturned, when the in

Page 4 - Contents

E658122210• Data returned when data is not processed normally (ASCII mode)In case an error occurs, communication error command (4EH(N) or 6EH(n)) and

Page 5

E6581222114.1.2. Data transmission formats used in binary modeA communication number is used to specify a data item, data is written in hexadecimal f

Page 6

E658122212 VF-S11 → computer (binary mode)At time of broadcast communication of the binary mode, returning of data is not executed except forthe inve

Page 7 - 3. Communication protocol

E6581222132) Error Processing (Binary mode)In case an error occurs, communication error command (4EH(N) or 6EH(n)) and the error type num-ber is retur

Page 8

E6581222144.1.3. Transmission Format of Block CommunicationWhat is block communication?Data can be written in and read from several data groups set

Page 9

E658122215 Block Write 1, 2Select data, which is desired to be written in block communications, in Block Communication WriteData 1 and 2 Parameters

Page 10

E658122216 VF-S11 → ComputerAt time of broadcast communication of the binary mode, returning of data is not executed except forthe inverter to be ret

Page 11

E6581222172) Error Processing (Binary mode)In case an error occurs, communication error command (4EH(N) or 6EH(n)) and the error type num-ber is retur

Page 13

E6581222184.2. CommandsHere are the communication commands available.Command FunctionR command Reads the data with the specified communication number

Page 14

E658122219 P (50H) (RAM*1 write)This command is used to rewrite data into the parameter specified using a communication number. Itwrites data into t

Page 15

E658122220 S (53 H)/ s (73 H) Inter-drive communication command(RAM*1 Write)This command is for using frequency command values in % (1 = 0.01%), ins

Page 16

E6581222214.3. Transmission errors Table of error codesError name Description Error codeImpossible to exe-cuteThe command is impossible to execute,

Page 17

E6581222224.4. Broadcast communications functionBroadcast communication function can transmit the command (write the data) to multiple inverters byo

Page 18 -  

E658122223In broadcast communications, only the representative inverter in each block returns data to the hostcomputer. However, you can make the repr

Page 19

E6581222244.5. Examples of the use of communication commandsHere are some examples of the use of communications commands provided for the VF-S11 seri

Page 20 - W (57H) (RAM

E6581222254.6. Examples of RS232C communication programsEx. 1: BASIC program for monitoring the operation frequency continuously (RS232C, ASCII mode

Page 21 - G (47H) (Data read)

E658122226Ex. 2: BASIC program for executing an input command with checksum (RS232C, ASCII mode)(Toshiba version of Advanced BASIC-86 Ver. 3.01.05J)◊

Page 22 - , = 

E658122227Ex. 3 BASIC program for communication tests (RS232C, ASCII mode)(Toshiba version of Advanced BASIC-86 Ver. 3.01.05J)◊ Accessing a paramet

Page 23 - 4.3. Transmission errors

E65812221Read firstSafety precautionsThis manual and labels on the inverter provide very important information that you should bear inmind to use the

Page 24

E658122228Ex. 4 A VisualBaisc program for the ASCII mode communication (VisualBaisc is the registered trademark of the U.S. microsoft company

Page 25

E6581222293)The description of the codePrivate Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show '***************************************************************

Page 26

E6581222305. MODBUS-RTU protocolThe MODBUS-RTU protocol of VF-S11 supports only part of the MODBUS-RTU protocol. Only twocommands are supported, “0

Page 27

E658122231 Data Exchange with InvertersThe inverters are always ready to receive messages and perform slave operation in response tocomputer request

Page 28

E6581222325.1. MODBUS-RTU transmission formatMODBUS-RTU sends and receives binary data without a frame-synchronizing start code and definesthe blank

Page 29

E6581222335.1.2. Write command (06) Computer → VF-S11 *The text size is 8 bytes fixed.(3.5bytesBlank)InverterNo.CommandCommuni-cation No.(high)Com

Page 30

E6581222345.2. CRC Generation“CRC” is a system to check errors in communication frames during data transmission. CRC iscomposed of two bytes and has

Page 31

E658122235<Notes>Speed command can be transmitted but the run / stop signal is not issued. Slave station should have an individualstop signal or

Page 32 - 5. MODBUS-RTU protocol

E658122236 Setting of parameter●Selection of communication protocol () Shipment setting: 0 (TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol)Protocol setting with a

Page 33

E658122237 Relating communication parametersFollowing parameters should be set or changed if necessary.• Communication baud rate ()... Shipment

Page 34 - 5.1.1. Read command (03)

E65812222Contents1. General outlines of the communications function...

Page 35 - 5.1.2. Write command (06)

E6581222386.1. Speed proportional controlVarious inclinations can be set by frequency point setting.The frequency command value on the slave side du

Page 36 - 5.2. CRC Generation

E6581222396.2. Transmission format for inter-drive communicationData type is handled in hexadecimal notation and the transmission characters are tre

Page 37 - 6. Inter-drive communication

E6581222407. Communications parametersThe settings of communication-related parameters can be changed from the operation panel and theexternal contro

Page 38

E6581222417.1. Communication baud rate() , Parity bit()•Communication baud rate and parity bit should be uniform inside the same network.•Th

Page 39

E6581222427.3. Timer function()This function detects any normal data that is not detected even once within an arbitrarily predeter-mined time.The

Page 40 - Slave command (Hz)

E6581222437.4. Setting function of communication waiting time ()Use this function for the following case:When the data response from the inverte

Page 41

E6581222448. Commands and monitoring from the computerAcross the network, instructions (commands and frequency) can be sent to each inverter and the

Page 42 - 7. Communications parameters

E658122245 Communication command2 (Communication Number : FA20)This command is enabled only when the communication command is enabled. Set Bit 15

Page 43 - 7.2. Inverter number()

E658122246 Communication command3 (Communication number: FA26)The RY Terminal Output Hold Command and OUT Terminal Output Hold Command are always en

Page 44 - 7.3. Timer function()

E6581222478.2. Monitoring from the computerThis section explains how to monitor the operating status of the inverter from the computer. Monitoring

Page 45 - 7.5. Free notes()

E658122231. General outlines of the communications functionThis manual explains the serial communications interface function provided for the TOSVER

Page 46

E658122248 Inverter operating status3 (FE42, FD42)Operating status 3(status immediately before the occurrence of a trip):Communication Number FE42Op

Page 47

E658122249 Inverter operating command mode status (FE45)The monitor of the command mode that the present condition is enabledData Enabled command0 T

Page 48 - (communication number: FA01)

E658122250 Alarm information monitor (FC91)Bit Specifications 0 1Remarks(Code displayed on the panel)0 Over-current alarm Normal Alarming  flicke

Page 49

E658122251 Trip code monitor (current status: FC90: historic records: FE10 to FE13)CodeData (hexadeci-mal number)Data(decimalnumber)Descriptionnerr0

Page 50

E658122252 Inverter model (capacity) code (FB05)ModelData(hexadecimal number)Data(decimal number)VFS11-2002PM-AN 1 1VFS11-2004PM-AN 2 2VFS11-2007PM-

Page 51

E6581222538.3. Control of input/output signals from communicationThe input terminals, output terminals, analog input and output signals of the inver

Page 52

E658122254 Input terminal board status (FD06, FE06)Input terminal board status (status immediately before the occurrence of a trip):Communication Nu

Page 53

E658122255 Analog Input Monitors (FE35, FE36)Analog input value VIA monitor: “Communication Number FE35”Analog input value VIB monitor: “Communicati

Page 54

E6581222568.4. Utilizing panel (LEDs and keys) by communicationThe VF-S11 can display data that is not related to the inverters through an external

Page 55 - Analog Output Data (FA51)

E658122257 Block Communication Function for LED DisplayTo display LED data for ASCII display that is synchronized to each digit, set data for each d

Page 56

E658122242. Data transmission specifications Items SpecificationsTransmission scheme Half-duplexSynchronization scheme Start-stop synchronizationComm

Page 57

E658122258 ASCII LED display data code (00H-1FH are blank.)Hex Code Display Char. Hex Code Display Char. Hex Code Display Char. Hex Code Display

Page 58 - =).”

E6581222598.4.2. Key utilization by communicationThe VF-S11 can use the panel keys on the inverters through external communications. This func-tion

Page 59

E6581222609. Parameter dataExplanation of parameters for VF-S11 series is described here. For communication purposes, seethe parameter list on inverte

Page 60 - E6581222

E658122261 Command parametersFor those parameters that contain data only in the RAM and not in the EEPROM, their data return toinitial values when th

Page 61

E658122262 Monitor parameters * These parameters are read-only (monitor-only) parameters.Communi-cation No.Title Function Unit RemarksFC00 - Moni

Page 62 - 9. Parameter data

E658122263Appendix 1 Table of data codes• JIS (ASCII) codesHigher ordeLower order0 1 2345670NULTC7(DLE) (SP)0@P、p1TC1(SOH) DC1!1AQaq2TC2(STX) DC22BRb

Page 63

E658122264Appendix 2 Response timeThe communication response time can be calculated from data communication time and inverterprocessing time. When wi

Page 64

E658122265Appendix 3 Compatibility with the communications func-tion of the VF-S9To provide consistency in communications procedures, the communicatio

Page 65 - Lower order

E658122266EAppendix 4 TroubleshootingIf a problem arises, diagnose it in accordance with the following table before making a service call. Ifthe probl

Page 66 - PC → Inverte

E658122253. Communication protocolThis communication protocol supports the TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol and part of MODBUS-RTUprotocol.Select the desire

Page 67 - of the VF-S9

E658122264. TOSHIBA Inverter ProtocolSelect “TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol” (=) in the communication protocol selection parame-ters. “TOSHIBA Inve

Page 68 - Appendix 4 Troubleshooting

E65812227 Binary mode(1) In binary mode, the start code is “2FH(/).”The inverter rejects all data items entered before the “2FH(/).”If two or more “2

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